Sunday, December 19, 2010

How to smoke your Shisha

  1. Fill the base with water or another liquid
  2. Assemble your hookah and suck through the mouth piece to make sure you have proper airflow, the liquid in the base should make a bubbling sound.
  3. Fill the bowl with the tobacco, you may combine different tobaccos to create new flavors.
  4. Cover the tobacco with another piece of tinfoil with in it or place a charcoal screen over the bowl and poke your tinfoil to make air intake to smoke.
  5. Light your charcoal over a flame, a gas stove works well. (remember to turn the hood on) If you don't have a gas stove, hold the charcoal with thongs and light it with a lighter. This may take some time. You want the coal to be red hot and ashy.
  6. Use the thongs to transport the coal to the bowl
  7. You are now ready to smoke  from your hookah. If you must pass the hose to a friend it is proper hookah etiquette to bend the hose up and away from your friend's face.
  8. When you are not smoking, plug up the mouth piece to allow your friends to smoke better.
  9. Enjoy smoking the tasty tobacco from your hookah

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